On the transect, this species is disjunctly distributed, occurring in Gates Canyon, where it is uncommon, and at Sierra Valley, where it is abundant. Both populations feed on Mountain-Mahogany (Cercocarpus): Gates on the foothill species, C. betuloides, a chaparral shrub, and Sierra Valley on C. ledifolius, found in rocky habitats in East slope shrub-steppe and often at or near tree-line in arid climates. The Sierra Valley animals, especially females, are larger than at Gates. There is one brood, in June-July at Gates, July-August at Sierra Valley. Males are territorial perchers, usuallty on or near the host plant, forming leks in the afternoon. Both sexes visit flowes: at Gates on Yerba Santa and California Buckeye, at Sierra Valley on Alfalfa, yellow Ivesia, Eriogonum, White Sweet-Clover, Milkweed, etc. The host plants - and the butterfly - occur at none of the other sites.