A Journal Of The First Two Plague Years, 2020-2021

The onset of the covid-19 pandemic in late winter 2019-2020 and the measures taken in response to it led inevitably to difficulties in maintaining our monitoring regime. At the outset it was decided that the UNR contingent (Matt Forister and Chris Halsch) would cover the 5 Sierran sites and I would continue doing the 5 lowland ones. On August 19, 2020 our Gates Canyon site was largely destroyed by wildfire. There were also significant, but much less extensive and destructive, fires at Suisun (June 8) and North Sac (July 7). The Suisun fire burned through much of the prime marsh habitat while, paradoxically, largely sparing the weedy landfill nearby.

Link to the Mountain Sites Year in Review, 2021, compiled by Matt Forister and Chris Halsch from UNR.

Then, in winter 2020-21, the level of circulating virus was so high that I suspended monitoring the four remaining sites for several weeks. Instead, I tried to document first-flight dates for everything by very intensive monitoring around Davis. Thus the FFDs are not strictly comparable to other years, but it should be noted that prior-year FFDs include the transect sites but are not limited to them, so that whenever a species was first recorded somewhere other than a transect site, that date was entered—and many of these are from Davis. Regular sampling was resumed in late March, as noted below. On average I missed the first 8 visits to each site due to the pandemic.

I reconnoitered Gates Canyon and adjacent areas several times during the season and recorded everything seen (see “The Fire This Time,” posted on this site). We have not yet decided (as of 17 January) whether to resume regular monitoring at Gates in 2022. In fact, although I have visited each of the 4 remaining sites once so far, I have not yet decided whether to repeat last year’s caution and wait for local viral circulation to go down. (Needless to say, I am fully-vaccinated and boosted. Last year I got my second shot on March 9 and determined to wait two weeks or more to let the immunity solidify before resuming sampling my sites. I’m now 76 and trying to be careful without being paranoid! (NOTE ADDED JUNE 15, 2022: all 5 sites, including Gates, have been monitored in 2022.)

The 2020-21 rainfall season saw roughly 50% of 30-year mean precipitation regionally. This was reflected in stream flow and in the vegetation, which by midsummer was showing severe drought stress (both woody and herbaceous!). There was never any water in the Yolo Bypass, but the usual seasonal sequence of butterflies in West Sacramento was not observed, and by autumn—when butterfly diversity typically peaks—nectar sources and butterflies were hard to find. Numbers of species were essentially normal all season. Numbers of individuals of most species were low to very low. This was especially the case for Pieris rapae, Pyrgus communis, Strymon melinus and Junonia coenia.

I will first report on the data routinely referenced in past “Looking Backward” articles.

Numbers of samples/site were, as noted above, reduced by the loss of the first 8 at each:

Site 2019 2020 2021 (lst date)
SM 33 29 21(iii.27)
WS 33 29 21(iii.28)
NS 33 28 21(iii.31)
RC 35 28 20(iv.1)

Maximum number of species observed on any one day during the year:

SM 20 18 17
WS 21 18 18
NS 21 23 20
RC 17 15 14

The late resumption of sampling is unlikely to have affected these species maxima since maximum numbers of species have never occurred before April 1.


Vanessa cardui had a “fair” N-ward migration in spring 2020 but was virtually absent during the typical S-ward fall movement. 2021 was always terrible. Overall, 2021 eclipsed 2018 as the worst cardui year since counts were initiated in 1988. For each site the first is the number of adults recorded before Aug.1, representing the N-ward phase; the second is the number on or after Aug.1:

RC 2020: 660,1 2021: 3,3
SM 2020: 282,5 2021: 4,4
WS 2020: 83,5 2021: 7,4
NS 2020: 328,2 2021: 3,0

For Danaus plexippus, once again no wild larvae were seen on the transect. Adults:

RC 2020: 0 2021: 0
SM 2020: 0 2021: 4
WS 2020: 1 2021: 2
NS 2020: 3 2021: 2

Clearly, this area did not contribute to the unprecedented increase in overwintering adults currently being observed coastwise!

For Junonia coenia:

RC 2020: 74 2021: 21
SM 2020: 48 2021: 30
WS 2020: 99 2021: 35
NS 2020: 170 2021: 54

Buckeye populations never peak before April 1, so the late start of sampling is unlikely to be a factor in these declines. For comparison, one could pro-rate other years by counting only after the date of the first 2021 sample.


Satyrium sylvinus

WS 2020: 7 2021: 3
NS 2020: 56 2021: 14
RC 2020: 4 2021: 4

Satyrium californica

RC 2020: 33 2021: 17

Ochlodes yuma

SM 2020: 3 2021: 3

Glaucopsyche lygdamus

RC 2020: 18 2021: 17
NS 2020: 5 2021: 2

Lycaena xanthoides

SM 2020: 3 2021: 1
NS 2020: 4 2021: 1

Pyrgus scriptura

WS 2020: 15 2021: 37
SM 2020: 6 2021: 11

Pholisora catullus

WS 2020: 26 2021: 26
NS 2020: 3 2021: 8

This species appears to be breeding again at NS after a brief hiatus.


Hylephila phyleus

RC 2020: 111 2021: 90
SM 2020: 280 2021: 212
WS 2020: 409 2021: 201
NS 2020: 216 2021: 229

Erynnis tristis

RC 2020: 58 2021: 35
SM 2020: 15 2021: 8
WS 2020: 190 2021: 68
NS 2020: 75 2021: 110

Ochlodes sylvanoides

RC 2020: 80 2021: 104
SM 2020: 54 2021: 40
WS 2020: 40 2021: 1
NS 2020: 56 2021: 84

Poanes melane

RC 2020: 18 2021: 4
SM 2020: 13 2021: 1
WS 2020: 11 2021: 3
NS 2020: 30 2021: 4

Limenitis lorquini

RC 2020: 1 2021: 3
WS 2020: 17 2021: 6
NS 2020: 9 2021: 1

Nymphalis antiopa

RC 2020: 3 2021: 0
WS 2020: 1 2021: 0
NS 2020: 4 2021: 2

Papilio rutulus

RC 2020: 68 2021: 47
SM 2020: 29 2021: 19
WS 2020: 78 2021: 31
NS 2020: 99 2021: 36

Papilio zelicaon

RC 2020: 3 2021: 1
SM 2020: 11 2021: 15
WS 2020: 1 2021: 0
NS 2020: 10 2021: 13

Agraulis vanillae

RC 2020: 19 2021: 21
SM 2020: 45 2021: 28
WS 2020: 19 2021: 36
NS 2020: 24 2021: 34

These are all multivoltine. Except for P. zelicaon, depressed 2021 counts are unlikely to reflect the late sampling start.

In addition, I decided to report counts of several species not previously itemized in “Looking Backward” to look for trends. I give counts for 2018,19,20 and 21 for these:

Species Site 18 19 20 21
Vanessa annabella RC 0 1 0 0
  SM 5 10 2 2
  WS 1 9 3 0
  NS 2 7 4 2
Vanessa atalanta RC 12 1 5 3
  SM 7 4 1 4
  WS 10 6 8 1
  NS 17 5 4 5
Vanessa virginiensis RC 2 0 0 2
  SM 2 0 1 0
  WS 0 0 0 0
  NS 0 1 0 0
Strymon melinus RC 13 46 17 16
  SM 43 58 45 52
  WS 53 77 36 26
  NS 26 50 43 50
Battus philenor RC 646 326 347 135
  NS 17 13 29 9
Brephidium exile SM 726 4439 10 443
  WS 26 10 5 84
  NS 2 6 88 20
Pieris rapae RC 103 198 161 50
  SM 511 1042 472 220
  WS 942 1117 710 471
  NS 668 1250 778 517
Colias eurytheme RC 74 96 136 78
  SM 93 299 305 111
  WS 156 364 258 303
  NS 126 249 399 215
Pyrgus communis RC 24 64 47 42
  SM 274 438 152 211
  WS 475 617 155 284
  NS 139 166 157 142
Lerodea eufala RC 0 1 3 2
  SM 1 3 1 0
  WS 74 10 8 0
  NS 2 2 6 1
Phyciodes mylitta RC 6 8 0 0
  SM 5 5 5 1
  WS 2 16 3 2
  NS 4 8 2 0
Lycaena helloides RC 5 5 1 1
  SM 12 0 3 5
  WS 63 1 1 8
  NS 4 2 4 4
Polites sabuleti SM 56 13 22 26
  WS 13 9 2 8

And finally, a comparison of 2019 and 2020 until the fire (viii.18) at Gates Canyon:

Species 2019 2020 through viii.18
Junonia coenia 145 39
Danaus plexippus 2 1
Satyrium sylvinus 8 3
Satyrium californica 11 39
Satyrium auretorum 1 2
Satyrium saepium 5 1
Erynnis tristis 40 13
Ochlodes sylvanoides 172 10
Poanes melane 33 30
Limenitis lorquini 44 19
Euphydryas chalcedona 20 37
Nymphalis antiopa 21 34
Papilio rutulus 64 43
Papilio eurymedon 8 7
Papilio zelicaon 5 2
Vanessa cardui 544 39

Of these the Satyriums, chalcedona and eurymedon were finished for the season before the fire, and sylvanoides had just started then. The others are multivoltine.


For low-elevation site first-flight dates from anywhere, in 2020 17 species were earlier than in 2019 and 6 were later. The "average" species was 17.9 days earlier in 2020 than in 2019. In 2021 12 species were earlier than 2020 and 9 were later. The "average" species was 3.19 days earlier in 2021 than in 2020.